REDNT Revolutionizes Maintenance in Food Industry with MOLOS.CLOUD – March 12-13, 1019

Along with our partner – Copa-Data we will participate in XI Conference – Maintenance in Food Industry, in next few days. We’ll start form anoter barrel but very fast come to the point showing practical examples of predictive maintenance.

Food industry like no other is under high price and competitive pressure. So squeezing every fraction of % in cost and increasing production effectiveness and efficiency results in millions or additional profit pre month or even days. Do you want to learn e.g. how to produce more and cheaper milk and butter our of a raw milk? – please be welcome to our presentation and booth talks.

We will show among other things on-line spectroscopy analytical lab and prediction of poms, HVAC, monoblocs, agitators and other machines integrated with zenon SCADA. Companies implementing control and instrumentation for food industry may use our MOLOS.CLOUD Industrial IoT platform and extend its own offer building such csenatiorios for its own customers. Are you willing to become our partner? – come and talk with us.

More about MOLOS.CLOUD here.

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